Pomoćnik državnog sekretara SAD za evropska i evroazijska pitanja Džejms O’Brajen i visoki predstavnik Kristijan Šmit razgovarali su u Sarajevu o najhitnijim izazovima s kojima se BiH suočava, uključujući izborni integritet. O’Brajen je potvrdio snažnu američku podršku visokom predstavniku i njegovom korišćenju „bonskih ovlašćena“ za sprovođenje i odbranu Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma, podršku BiH i njenim institucijama, kao i suzbijanje huškačke retorike. Kristijan Šmit nije priznat u Republici Srpskoj zbog nedostatka potvrde u Savetu bezbednosti UN.
Danas su visoki američki zvaničník zadužen za evropska i evroazijska pitanja, Džejms O’Brajen, te visoki predstavnik Kristijan Šmit razgovarali o ključnim izazovima s kojima se Bosna i Hercegovina suočava. Teme ove diskusije uključivale su izborne reforme i zaštitu Dejtonskog sporazuma. Razgovor je održan u vrijeme kad se politički pritisak na izborne procese u BiH značajno pojačao. O’Brajen je istakao važnost održavanja izbornog integriteta, te američku podršku očuvanju Dejtonskog sporazuma.
Ambasada SAD je izvijestila putem društvenih mreža o ovom susretu i potvrdila snažnu podršku visokom predstavniku i njegovom korišćenju „bonskih ovlašćenja“. Ova ovlašćenja mu omogućavaju sprovođenje i odbranu Dejtonskog mirovnog sporazuma, kao i podršku BiH i njenim institucijama. Također je istaknuta važnost obezbeđivanja funkcionalnosti institucija i suzbijanja huškačke retorike koja ih potkopava.
Međutim, Kristijan Šmit, koji je imenovan za visokog predstavnika, nije priznat u Republici Srpskoj. Njegovo imenovanje nije potvrđeno u Savetu bezbednosti UN, što je predviđeno Dejtonskim mirovnim sporazumom. Ovaj politički spor je dodatno zaoštrio političku situaciju u BiH.
Ovo je posebno problematično jer se Dejtonski sporazum smatra ključnim za očuvanje mira u BiH, a pretnje njegovom funkcionisanju mogu postaviti ozbiljne izazove stabilnosti zemlje. Iako je visoki predstavnik zabrinut zbog trenutne situacije u BiH, O’Brajen je naglasio da Sjedinjene Američke Države čvrsto stoje uz visokog predstavnika i podržavaju njegove napore na očuvanju Dejtonskog sporazuma i stabilnosti u BiH.
US State Department Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brajen and High Representative Christian Schmidt have today discussed the most urgent challenges facing BiH, including electoral integrity in Sarajevo. According to the US Embassy’s Facebook post, O’Brajen confirmed strong US support for the High Representative and his use of „Bonn powers“ to „implement and defend the Dayton Peace Agreement, support BiH and its institutions, and ensure the functionality of those institutions“ as well as „suppression of inflammatory rhetoric and actions aimed at undermining them“.
Christian Schmidt is not recognized in the Republika Srpska because his appointment has not been confirmed in the UN Security Council as envisaged by the Dayton Peace Agreement.
Today, the senior US official in charge of European and Eurasian affairs, James O’Brajen, and the high representative, Christian Schmidt, discussed key challenges facing Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topics of this discussion included electoral reforms and the protection of the Dayton Agreement. The conversation took place at a time when political pressure on electoral processes in BiH has significantly increased. O’Brajen emphasized the importance of maintaining electoral integrity and US support for preserving the Dayton Peace Agreement.
The US Embassy reported through social media about this meeting and confirmed strong support for the High Representative and his use of „Bonn powers“. These powers enable him to implement and defend the Dayton Peace Agreement, as well as support BiH and its institutions. The importance of ensuring the functionality of institutions and suppressing of inflammatory rhetoric that undermines them was also emphasized.
However, Christian Schmidt, who was appointed as High Representative, is not recognized in Republika Srpska. His appointment has not been confirmed in the UN Security Council, as envisaged by the Dayton Peace Agreement. This political dispute has further exacerbated the political situation in BiH.
This is particularly problematic because the Dayton Agreement is considered key to maintaining peace in BiH, and threats to its functioning can pose serious challenges to the stability of the country. While the High Representative is concerned about the current situation in BiH, O’Brajen emphasized that the United States firmly stand behind the High Representative and support his efforts to preserve the Dayton Peace Agreement and stability in BiH.