Nemci grcaju, pogođena je svaka industrija

Slobodan Perić аватар

Nedostatak narudžbina u Nemačkoj postaje sve veći problem za tamošnju privredu, prema izveštaju Instituta za ekonomska istraživanja IFO iz Minhena. U oktobru je 41,5% nemačkih kompanija prijavilo nedostatak narudžbina, što je porast u odnosu na prethodne mesece. Situacija je sada najgora od finansijske krize 2009. godine.

Skoro svaka industrija u Nemačkoj je pogođena nedostatkom narudžbina, posebno u sektorima poput mašinstva, metalne industrije i elektroindustrije. U proizvodnji, skoro polovina nemačkih kompanija je prijavila manjak porudžbina, dok je u sektoru usluga taj procenat 31,2%. Restorani takođe beleže manji broj gostiju.

Pravni i poreski konsultanti, kao i revizori, trenutno su manje zabrinuti zbog nedostatka porudžbina, jer su njihove usluge i dalje veoma tražene zbog obimne birokratije i regulative. Situation with orders in Germany worsens, becoming a major problem for the country’s economy, according to a report published by the IFO Institute for Economic Research in Munich.

In October, 41.5% of German companies reported a lack of orders, which is an increase compared to the previous months. The situation is now the worst since the financial crisis of 2009.

Almost every industry in Germany is affected by the lack of orders, especially in sectors such as mechanical engineering, metal industry, and electronics industry. In manufacturing, almost half of all German companies reported a lack of orders, while in the services sector, the percentage is 31.2%. More than a third of restaurants in Germany also reported a decrease in guests.

Legal and tax consultants, as well as auditors, are currently less concerned about the lack of orders, as their services are still in high demand due to extensive bureaucracy and regulation. The situation with orders in Germany is now the worst since the financial crisis of 2009. In October, 41.5% of German companies reported a lack of orders, which is an increase compared to the previous months. Almost every industry in Germany is affected by the lack of orders, especially in sectors such as mechanical engineering, metal industry, and electronics industry. In manufacturing, almost half of all German companies reported a lack of orders, while in the services sector, the percentage is 31.2%. More than a third of restaurants in Germany also reported a decrease in guests.

Legal and tax consultants, as well as auditors, are currently less concerned about the lack of orders, as their services are still in high demand due to extensive bureaucracy and regulation.

Slobodan Perić аватар

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