Mega želi pobedu nad Partizanom

Nikola Petrović аватар

Košarkaši Mege, ekipa iz Srbije, će gostovati Partizanu u trećem susretu polufinalne serije plej-ofa Superlige. Utakmica će se održati u dvorani „Aleksandar Nikolić“, a trener Marko Barać je najavio duel sa crno-belima.

U prethodnom susretu, Mega je iznenadila favorita Partizana. Sada trener beogradskog tima najavljuje hrabar nastup i igru bez straha.

„Kao što smo želeli nakon prve utakmice, uspeli smo da dobijemo majstoricu i još jednom pokazali da ova ekipa nikad ne odustaje. Sada nas očekuje možda i najteži zadatak, ali želim da pristupimo toj utakmici bez straha i da uživamo u svakom trenutku,“ rekao je Barać. Omerdžan Iljasolu je najavio borbu do poslednjeg trenutka.

„Nakon poraza u prvoj utakmici, u drugoj smo kao tim odgovorili na pravi način. Želimo da pokažemo karakter i u poslednjoj utakmici polufinalne serije, da se borimo do samog kraja i damo sve od sebe da dođemo do pobede,“ rekao je Iljasolu.

Pobednik poslednje utakmice će se u finalu Superlige sastati sa ekipom Crvene zvezde, koja je prethodno pobedila FMP u dva susreta.

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This article discusses the upcoming basketball game between Mega and Partizan in the third match of the playoff semi-finals of the Serbian Superliga. The match will take place at the „Aleksandar Nikolić“ arena, and coach Marko Barać has previewed the duel with the black and whites.

In the previous match, Mega surprised the favorites Partizan. Now the coach of the Belgrade team announces a fearless play.

„As we wanted after the first match, we have reached the decider once again, showing that this team never gives up. Now we face perhaps the toughest task, but I want us to approach it without fear and enjoy every moment,“ said Barać. Omerdžan Iljasolu also announced a fight till the last moment.

„Following the defeat in the first match, we responded as a team in the second one in the right way. We want to show character in the last match of the semi-finals, fight till the end and give our all to achieve victory,“ said Iljasolu.

The winner of the decider will face Red Star in the Superliga finals, who previously defeated FMP in two matches.

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Nikola Petrović аватар

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