Kazna za ostavljanje peškira u Španiji

Slobodan Perić avatar

U španskoj policiji su pokrenuli akciju protiv turista koji rezervišu mesta na plažama ostavljajući svoje stvari, poput stolica i ležaljki. Ova praksa može rezultirati kaznom od 250 evra, a policija sada konfiskuje napuštene predmete. Propisi koji zabranjuju postavljanje peškira i ležaljki pre 9 časova ujutru su na snazi u obalnim područjima Španije kako bi se omogućilo nesmetano čišćenje plaža. Ove mere su deo kampanje za regulisanje turizma koja je izazvala proteste lokalnog stanovništva, a na nekim mestima protestanti su pokušavali „povratiti“ plaže za svoje potrebe. Društvene mreže su prepune snimaka policijskih akcija, izazivajući različite reakcije korisnika, dok su hiljade ljudi izašle na ulice španskih gradova kako bi izrazili nezadovoljstvo masovnim turizmom. U sklopu kampanje za regulisanje turizma, lokalna vlast je počela s akcijom protiv turista koji ostavljaju svoje stvari na plažama kako bi rezervirali mesta. Kazna za ovu praksu može dosegnuti čak 250 evra, a policija sada konfiskuje stolice, ležaljke i suncobrane ostavljene na plažama bez nadzora. Predmeti koje policija zaplijeni se odnose u lokalne policijske stanice, a turisti ih mogu povratiti nakon što plate kaznu. U obalnim područjima Španije, poput Balearskih i Kanarskih otoka, važe propisi koji zabranjuju postavljanje peškira i ležaljki prije 9 sati ujutro kako bi se omogućilo nesmetano čišćenje plaža. Ove nove mjere su dio šire kampanje za regulisanje turizma u Španiji koja je ovog ljeta izazvala proteste lokalnog stanovništva. Na nekim mjestima, poput Otoka Mallorca, demonstranti su čak pokušali „povratiti“ plaže za lokalno stanovništvo. Društvene mreže su prepune snimaka policijskih akcija, izazivajući različite reakcije korisnika. U grupama posvećenim španskom turizmu na Fejsbuku, lokalni stanovnici objašnjavaju situaciju i izražavaju nezadovoljstvo praksom rezervisanja mesta na plažama. „Gdje su ljudi? Reći ćemo vam, spavaju ili doručkuju kod kuće. Ovu praksu, koja se provodi već dugi niz godina, počinju da regulišu gradska veća. Nije normalno doći u 10 ujutru i vidjeti da je drugi red plaže pun, ali oko nema nikoga“, objašnjavaju lokalni stanovnici. Ovog ljeta, hiljade protestanata izašlo je na ulice španskih gradova izražavajući nezadovoljstvo masovnim turizmom u zemlji. Kampanja za regulisanje turizma u Španiji privukla je pažnju javnosti, a local authorities have also started a campaign against tourists leaving their belongings on the beaches to reserve spots. The fine for this practice can amount to 250 euros, and the police are now confiscating chairs, sunbeds, and umbrellas left unattended on the beach. Confiscated items are taken to local police stations and tourists must pay a fine to reclaim them. In coastal areas of Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands, there are regulations prohibiting the placement of towels and sunbeds before 9 am in order to allow for the smooth cleaning of the beaches. These new measures are part of Spain’s wider campaign to regulate tourism, which has sparked protests by the local population this summer. In some places, such as Mallorca, protesters have even tried to „reclaim“ the beaches for local residents. Social media is filled with videos of police actions, triggering various reactions from users. In Facebook groups dedicated to Spanish tourism, local residents explain the situation: „Where are people? We’ll tell you, they are either sleeping or having breakfast at home. This practice, which has been going on for years, is starting to be regulated by city councils. It is not normal to arrive at 10 am and see the second row of the beach full, but no one around.“ This summer, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Spanish cities to express discontent with mass tourism in the country. The campaign to regulate tourism in Spain has garnered public attention, and Local authorities have also started a campaign against tourists leaving their belongings on the beaches to reserve spots. The fine for this practice can amount to 250 euros, and the police are now confiscating chairs, sunbeds, and umbrellas left unattended on the beach. Confiscated items are taken to local police stations and tourists must pay a fine to reclaim them. In coastal areas of Spain, including the Balearic and Canary Islands, there are regulations prohibiting the placement of towels and sunbeds before 9 am in order to allow for the smooth cleaning of the beaches. These new measures are part of Spain’s wider campaign to regulate tourism, which has sparked protests by the local population this summer. In some places, such as Mallorca, protesters have even tried to „reclaim“ the beaches for local residents. Social media is filled with videos of police actions, triggering various reactions from users. In Facebook groups dedicated to Spanish tourism, local residents explain the situation: „Where are people? We’ll tell you, they are either sleeping or having breakfast at home. This practice, which has been going on for years, is starting to be regulated by city councils. It is not normal to arrive at 10 am and see the second row of the beach full, but no one around.“ This summer, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Spanish cities to express discontent with mass tourism in the country. The campaign to regulate tourism in Spain has garnered public attention, and it is a step towards addressing the concerns of local residents.

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